What is UgandaEMR+?

UgandaEMR+ is an advanced electronic medical record (EMR) system designed to streamline patient management, clinical documentation, and reporting within healthcare facilities. Built on the foundation of OpenMRS, UgandaEMR+ offers a customizable platform tailored to the needs of healthcare providers in resource-constrained settings.

Who is UgandaEMR+ for?

UgandaEMR+ is designed for healthcare organizations and facilities that require an efficient and scalable solution for managing patient data. It caters to a diverse range of users, including clinicians, administrators, and data managers, empowering them to deliver quality care and improve health outcomes.

How much does UgandaEMR+ cost?

UgandaEMR+ is an open-source program available free of charge. All core resources and functionalities are open source, ensuring accessibility and affordability for healthcare facilities of all sizes.

Where is UgandaEMR+ being used?

UgandaEMR+ is currently deployed in over 1,900 healthcare facilities across Uganda, spanning regional referral hospitals, general hospitals, health centers, and private clinics. Additionally, ongoing implementations are underway to expand its reach and impact in other regions and countries.

Why should I use UgandaEMR+?

UgandaEMR+ offers a sophisticated yet user-friendly solution for electronic medical record management. With features such as a dynamic UI/UX, comprehensive reporting tools, and seamless integration with external systems, UgandaEMR+ enables healthcare providers to optimize workflows, enhance data accuracy, and deliver patient-centered care.

What technologies is UgandaEMR+ built on?

UgandaEMR+ is built on top of the OpenMRS platform, utilizing Java programming language for backend development and React for frontend interface. It leverages Hibernate for database interaction and Tomcat as the web application server. The backend database is powered by MySQL, ensuring robust performance and data integrity.

Do I need any specific software to run UgandaEMR+?

UgandaEMR+ requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for deployment and operation. The Java Software Development Kit (SDK) is only necessary for users intending to perform code development or customization.

Where can I get UgandaEMR+?

UgandaEMR+ is available for download from the official website or repository, providing users with access to the latest version and source code for review and customization.

What are the plans for new features in UgandaEMR+?

Updates and new features for UgandaEMR+ are outlined in the project roadmap, which is regularly updated and accessible through the official website or project documentation.

Where can I see a working example of UgandaEMR+?

Explore our online demo to experience a basic installation of UgandaEMR+ with sample patient data and common add-on modules. Get hands-on experience with the system's functionalities and capabilities.

What if my question isn’t answered here?

For any further inquiries or assistance, please reach out to our support team at uganda-emr-support@mets.or.ug. Our dedicated staff will promptly address your concerns and assist as needed.